Friday, December 21, 2018

Shutdown and Walls

If you are in charge of the Government and can't keep it open you are obviously bad at your job.

Shutting down part of the Government over a wall that we don't need is mean and silly at the same time.

It will impact the employees during Christmas and while they will almost certainty get paid, it isn't a good thing.  Also services will be closed that many Americans use.

You may be one of the few people who think building a wall on the border is important, but most of us don't and to spend a bunch of money on something that won't accomplish anything is simply silly.

To frame it as something we need for border security is pretty absurd.

It is unlikely to accomplish anything and will be very expensive to build, patrol and maintain with little likelihood it will impact border security.

We have had a fair number of people cross our southern border without authorization.  This is not desirable but in all honesty it hasn't had much of a negative impact on us.

To think a stationary wall will solve the problem is ridiculous.

You hear a lot of rhetoric about how you aren't a country if you don't control your borders?

Who made up that definition?

We had countries back when border security wasn't something you even considered.

Still, we do need to have some control and the effective way to do that is something that can be debated by experts and an affordable, effective solution can be devised.

Its not a wall.

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