Thursday, December 27, 2018

Better Candidates?

If the Government were a business, we would be selling its stock.

You have a management in turmoil, parts of it shut down, policies that seem influenced by certain media instead of analysis and an erratic and irrational CEO.

You can't short it, although I guess you can short everything else, i.e. the big sell off.

The problems are not insurmountable, yet, but they aren't getting better.

The next two years will mostly be preparation for the next elections, as the desire to compromise is going to be seen as weak by the voters who control the primaries now.

It seems pretty clear to me that as we made the primaries more open we lost control of the process.

The we I am referring to is the great majority of Americans who disagree over a few issues by really agree on most.

Unfortunately one of the things they tend to agree on is that voting in the primaries is inconvenient.

We therefore turn over the candidate selection process to the angry people on both sides.

The angry people are the ones who show up and vote in the primaries.

The candidates selected often don't reflect the mainstream views of their party, but the mainstream members are faces with a difficult choice.

It gets easier when both sides select extremists.

Until we fix the candidate selection process, it will just get worse.

It will become more and more partisan, not less.

We need to find a way to make the primaries truly representative and not easily controlled by a determined angry minority.

If 100% of a party voted, we would really have much more representative candidates.

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