Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Regular Joe

 The idea that anyone can think that Trump is more patriotic than Biden is mystifying to me.

All Trump has ever cared about was himself.  Outside of external showmanship there is not one patriotic thing you can say about him.  He never served the greater good, none of his children ever did anything of note and he shares his father's viewpoint that people who have to serve in the military are suckers.

If you get killed you are a loser.

He acts like he revers the flag and lashes out at convenient targets who he thinks will resonate with his base.  He has shown no loyalty to this country at all.

Joe Biden comes from working class roots and has served the country as has his son.  He is a real self made man in the sense of what a working class American can achieve on his own.  

He grew up in modest neighborhoods, went to affordable schools and earned a law degree.  He has represented Delaware for most of his adult life and has managed to do it without endorsing scam products or declaring bankruptcies. 

His personal history is an American one with tragedy and joy, victory and defeat, with deep faith and a loving family.  He is in fact a regular Joe.

Like anyone there are changes in views and he supported some laws that in retrospect he might regret.  His interaction with the Anita Hill hearings could have been better.

However one thing about Joe is that he is honest and wants to do what's best.  You can trust him because he has lived a real American life without celebrity or double crossing or cheating.

We need a regular Joe now. 

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