Sunday, September 27, 2020

This is Why You Have to Vote

 For everyone who knew Hillary was the more progressive choice than Donald Trump but didn't vote for her because she wasn't progressive enough, or you bought into the Fox lies about Benghazi or her husband cheated or her e-mail server was different or whatever, this is what you get.

We will soon have a strong conservative majority on the Supreme Court that will jeopardize things like Health Insurance, Roe vs Wade, Social Equality, and Voting Rights.

You have to admire Republican who held their noses and voted anyways.

The margin of victory was so small in certain states that while other factors were in play, it was mathematically those that wouldn't vote for her that gave us this.

It doesn't seem like we are going to have the same problem but each election is important and if you give away or waste your vote you get to live with the consequences.

To just repair the damage of the last four years is going to take time and effort.

Those of you who want the world and want it now, well it just doesn't work like that.

Vote now, vote next time and hopefully things go the way you want.

Or don't vote and be certain they won't.

Its called choice.

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