Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Real America

 As we approach the first debate tonight I think even the myopic President sees the handwriting on the wall and will go all out to turn it around.

Most of the time after he fires off a series of lies about his opponent, calls him names or stalks around the stage, the best response will be simply to stick to the talking points.

I do think that if the behavior gets too outrageous he should request the moderator to instruct his opponent to stay in his area.

I don't think many people are still undecided so the irrational behavior by the President is unlikely to help him much.

His base is not interested in facts, they support him for reasons that are self serving.

Yes, Evangelicals may think that they are serving God by opposing abortion and they aren't changing.

The racists and xenophobes are not going to change.

So Biden needs to talk to Americans who actually put America and Americans first.

Sensible and fair tax plan.  Improved health insurance.  Real and effective response to the Coronavirus.  Creating real jobs that pay a living wage.  Increasing the minimum wage.  Protecting all our people from unconstitutional discrimination and harassment.   Dealing with the real and imminent threat of climate change.  Revising our immigration policy to continue our long tradition of helping the oppressed.  Protecting Dreamers and others who have lived here and worked hard at being Americans.

Its time for America to be America again and lead the world into the future with leadership based on our core values, not buffoonery.

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