Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Popular Vote

I don't have much interest in the debates and doubt anyone else really does.  Most polls indicate that the vast majority of Americans have already made up their minds but I guess we need to have them.

It is clear that the strategy of Trump will be to try to intimidate Biden and shake him, but of the two Trump is far more unstable.  However the Republican's will try to focus on any gaffes or misstatements by Biden while ignoring the generally outrageous behavior of their own man.

This is the last ditch effort to convince a few voters in a few states to reject the Democrat, the strategy they used last time.  

It would have no chance of working if we used the popular vote and probably not much chance now, but the electoral college provides a last ditch chance.  In some analysis the only votes that matter are those in some swing states where the outcome may be in doubt.

This year clearly demonstrates why we need to have popular vote elections for the President.  At this point a few groups are the focus since they might sway a states one way or the other.

Because of this you don't see Trump trying to win over the people in Blue states where the majority of the population is but rather focus on narrow policies designed to win specific groups in specific states.

That won't change until we go to a popular vote.

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