Sunday, September 20, 2020

Vote, Its Our Weapon

 First I want to thank all those who decided not to vote for Hillary Clinton for possibly setting back liberal and progressive causes for the next 20 or 30 years.  I hope that you got whatever it is that you wanted.

We have a slight chance to stop the appointment of another conservative justice before the election but since that rests on Republican senators honoring their words it isn't very high.

The concept of honor and honesty has simply vanished from their world and they simply kowtow to the leader.

It shouldn't surprise anyone who is familiar with history.

In Rome the Senate was full of high minded Patricians until they were bribed or terrorized into whatever the latest emperor wanted.  

In history Brutus lives on as a famous traitor but he really stood for the traditions of Rome vs the rise of Caesar, but Caesar wrote the histories.

In country after country principled people have given way to oligarchs our of either fear or self interest.  In the 1920 all the revolutionaries who had stood up to the Tsar's disappeared under the Bolsheviks primarily by a bullet to the head or a one way ticket to Siberia.

In Nazi Germany standing up to the Nazis was not something that provided long term security and working with them could be lucrative.

On and on in country after country the principled people get eliminated or co-opted as it descends into oligarchy.  We are no exception.

We still have a chance to vote and select people of principle but the assault will continue. 

This election needs to be decisive and if you decide to sit it out realize you are part of the problem.  Possibly the majority of Americans want a country where Evangelical values predominate and people who are different get discriminated against.

I hope that is not the case but voting is the only way to stop it.

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