Tuesday, September 1, 2020

End of Days?

 After screwing up for almost four years the Republicans argue that we need Trump to fix it?

Somehow the mess we are in is the other guys fault.

The Pandemic is the Chinese fault although we completely mishandled it.

The unemployment is not his fault, it's because everyone overreacted to the Pandemic.

The racism and violence isn't because he encouraged those elements, it s because athletes kneel during the national anthem.

The deficit and National Debt are at all time highs but it has nothing to do with the tax breaks he gave the rich.

Our international affairs are helping dictators and hurting our allies because that's what America first means.

The fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead because of the poor Covid 19 response, is just not important to him, they weren't his buddies.

The only thing we are missing from the Apocalypse scenario is famine, and we have a good chance of getting that next.

Not what I was hoping for in a President, but I guess for an Evangelical hoping for the end days he is pretty good, he even moved our embassy to Jerusalem.

Vote Republican if you want the end days, otherwise vote for the Democrats who will keep our country and the world going.

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