Saturday, September 12, 2020

Suicide by Carbon?

 The scientists tell us that this planet has passed throught a number of different stages in it long history.  The was snowball earth at one time and a water world earth.

There have also been a number of mass extinctions where the species that dominiated simply were wiped out.

These extinctions were caused by various events and changes and sometimes it was the life on the planet causing the change.

About 2.5 billion years one celled bacteria started to pump oxygen into the atmosphere creating a new environment.  It likely killed off a lot of the organisms at the time but allowed for the evolution of oxygen based animals.

Changes are generally rather slow but some are, at least in geologic time, abrupt.

As we have grown as a species we have effectively started pumping carbon into the atmosphere.  In a fairly short time, especially since the industrial revolution, we have started to change the sir we breathe and the greenhouse effect.

There is a no reason for the Earth to be the way it is.  We tend to believe it is designed to support us but really the earth was what designed us, how we breathe, how we move, etc.

The earth existed and we evolved to live on it.

We are now trashing it with carbon and if we keep it up, we won't be able to live here.

The earth will of course survive and life will survive.

Maybe not us though.

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