Friday, September 25, 2020

Health Care is Important

 The simplest way to control health care costs is to expand coverage.  Ultimately everyone who gets sick enough is going to get treated.  The earlier they get treated the cheaper and better is the care.  People without healthcare tend to avoid expensive treatments.  People with healthcare don't.  This leads to a healthier population and lower costs including the costs to the economy of lost time.

Healthier Americans are the objective.  It would be also beneficial if everyone exercised more and ate healthier foods but that isn't too likely so providing them with preventive services is easier.

The Affordable Care Act was far from perfect largely because when it was designed many compromises were added to win over the opposition.  That didn't work but the compromises are still baked in.   It covered pre-existing conditions, preventive care and offered millions an alternative to work based health coverage.

If it gets found unconstitutional the results will be devastating for millions and unless one party is in control of both houses replacing it will be difficult.

Whatever is going to happen in the court case has become more uncertain.

Its time to expand and improve it, not eliminate it.  It should be a bi-partisan issue but unfortunately it isn't.

At least not with the elected people.

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