Thursday, September 10, 2020

Let's Pick Normal This Time

 I guess the point is simple.  Someone who lies as much as Trump does lies to everybody.

Years ago someone told me that when I enjoyed the backstabbing gossip of someone I should realize they talked about me the same way when I wasn't around.

If you haven't figured it out by now Trump is a narcissus who really was never successful at anything except PR and a reality TV show.

Yes he had some money but he got a lot of it from his father and had six businesses go into chapter 11.  You can read about that here.

Murse, Tom. "Why Donald Trump's Companies Went Bankrupt." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020,

Currently he has effectively bankrupted the county with massive deficits and massive debt.  He also failed to address a dangerous disease and lied about it.  

We see protests and in some cases riots in American cities because he has enable additional racism in th e country.

He doesn't really have any respect for our military or its leaders since as a group they sacrifice the most for this country for littles financial reward.  The idea of Patriotism or other altruistic ideas is beyond him.

In contrast Joe Biden is a real American rising from modest beginnings to serve the country most of his adult life.  He isn't perfect, who is?  He is however someone who shares the values of America that we all grew up with and has demonstrated that.

He is no radical enough for the progressives and not conservative enough for the racists.  He understands that Americans who are black are Americans with all the same rights and needs of the rest of us.

He will move us forward once again in every area without being disruptive or dismissive of others.

Its time to return to our American values and unite as a country!

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