Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Real Americans

 There seems to be some concern by certain people about what America will look like in `100 years.  They see projections that the people here will be more diverse with "real" Americans in the minority.

First, none of us will be alive and second what is a "real" American?

Considering that the history of our species has been one of expansion over the earth from its origins in Africa the ongoing migrations are just more of the same.  Some Asians crossed the Bering land strip in pre-history and they expanded to be the people we refer to as Native Americans.  

Since then we have seen migrations from all over the world into both North and South Americas where those people were largely displaced.

How many years ago did you have to arrive to be a "real" American?  

They also tend to define the real Americans by where their ancestors came from.  Americans brought here from Africa perhaps hundreds of years ago don't seem to qualify.

Americans from south of the border who include people who are descended from native Americans and Spanish immigrants but whose families have been here as long or longer than ours don't count.

Only people from a relatively small section of Europe count in their eyes.

Why they care about changes they probably won't live to see is because people tend to forget they will die.  They really have nothing to worry about though.

Our history shows that immigrants become us, not the other way around.

Bigots will continue to exist.

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