Monday, September 14, 2020


 If I consider the possibility that I am completely delusional and living in a country where not just the Government but the media and the press spend all their time trying to convince me that things are happening that aren't really happening and that the entire Pandemic with scenes from all over the world is in fact a big hoax, I reject it.

First common sense tells me that it is far too elaborate for any purpose I can imagine.

Say they are trying to install liberal socialists who will take away all my freedoms and destroy the country.

If they are as powerful as the conspiracists think, why not just do it?

You could easily manipulate the media to say that whoever they wanted won the election.

You have to believe the hoax was hatched after the people had elected the current reality TV star because otherwise he would be apart of it instead of the savior.

In fact as a B-List celebrity and a reality TV start he would be perfect for the tole.

Maybe the conspiracy was to have him run and lose?

So if he wasn't part of it how did he get elected?

Generally most conspiracies originate when something doesn't go right for someone who believes they should have succeeded.  For example you apply to a prestigious college and fail to get accepted.  

It can't be that you just didn't make it, it has to be a conspiracy that let some more favored group get admittance.

Manufacturing jobs went away and it couldn't be the fact that we got outcompeted.  Someone did it to destroy the country.  Of course the fact that when I was young we used to know that you didn't want to buy a car made on a Friday because the work was sloppy.

American blue collar workers are no better or worse than workers anywhere else, after all they are descended from people who came from someplace else.  They just got expensive.

You don't need a conspiracy you just need economics.  

Profits are the name of the game, not people.

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