Thursday, September 3, 2020

Time to Upgrade

 There is an interesting video of our current President signing proclamation celebrating the centennial of women getting the vote.  In it he asks why no one did it before and decides it is because he does so much more than his predecessors.

Clearly centennial is too big a word for him but it means 100 years so it wasn't done until this year.

If this was the only example of his lack of intelligence it might be excusable but it is one of many.  We are witnessing true ignorance and incompetence.

I'm not saying he is mentally deficient, he might be but that's different, I'm saying that because of his privilege and wealth growing up he never really applied himself.  He might have average intelligence but he was too lazy to apply it.

There is too much evidence of this in his life, his cheating on entrance exams, his ghostwriters, the trouble he has with concepts and reading, his reliance on visual media and his business record.

Some people in the business world can take a marginal business and make it a success.  He does the opposite as evidenced by his multiple bankruptcies.

His only real success was in the public relations realm where he managed to get his name widespread recognition and let it be used on many questionable products.

He also was able to have a successful TV show but that doesn't take intelligence, merely showmanship.

Being bright isn't actually a requirement to be President, but I think it is a very desirable characteristic.  

Let's upgrade in November.

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