Monday, September 28, 2020

Bankrupt Dreams

The real trouble with the current President is that whatever his vision is he lives in a fantasy world about how to achieve it.

This isn't new.  In his business life he was convinced in his own mind he could have the best casino or the best university or the best shuttle airline, etc. but he couldn't do it.

Steve Jobs was very demanding about building a quality product but he built it.  He built Aple into a great company.  Trump had to bankrupt his visions.

This trait continues and was a little effective in criticizing the doers of this world.

The trade agreements were terrible his would be so much better, the Affordable Care Act would be replaced by his great plan, the climate accords weren't needed, he could fix the problem, the deficit would be solved, and the wall would be easy to build and paid for by Mexico.

Once again he can't achieve his visions.

It would be like voting in a beauty pageant contestant who said she wants to end war, or end world hunger.

We know that would be nice but we know it isn't something she could do.

Was everything he did a failure?  No just the hard things.

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