Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Lying At a Whole New Level

 So the President of the United States tweeted a doctored video of Joe Biden replacing Despacito with an anti police song and thinks he can get away with it?

Do any people with any sense of right and wrong think that's OK?

He can certainly accuse his opponent of views but this is in fact slander.

It isn't the first time but this has no pretense of being accurate since the campaign trip to Florida was widely covered, even on the President's favorite network.

He is now contradicting what he said on the Woodward tapes as he claims he up-played the coronavirus instead of downplaying it to avoid panicking people.

The number of lies he has told is so high that it is hard to keep track and for those of you who think all politicians lie, there is a significant difference.

Politicians have been known to lie but generally the lies are more along the lines of puffery.

Puffery is when you try to make yourself look better by exaggerating your accomplishments.

Some also exaggerate negative aspects of their opponents.

But we are seeing a whole new level in this liar.

Unfortunately he may be dragging American politics down into the mud if he is successful.

Does anyone want that? 

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