Sunday, September 6, 2020

Carbon Choice

 Is there anyone who doesn't want to protect the environment?  I know some of you labor under the belief that we can't really hurt it because the world is too big, but even then why pollute it?

There is a fair and capitalistic approach to protecting it, make those who pollute it pay for what they pollute.  If you run a business that emits fumes into the air, install scrubbers to get into compliance or pay a fee for corrective measures.  Use any such fees to finance projects to reduce the damage.  Items imported need to comply with the same standards or pay a fee.

As a species, like all species, our first concern was finding and then using resources.  In the naturel world it tended to sort itself out as eating ripe fruit often led to spreading the seeds.

Similarly hunters were more likely to kill older or weaker animals leading to general improvement to the herds.

This is naturel selection and the impact of humans was insignificant.

Then we became civilized and engaged in widespread agriculture.

Clearly when that happened we changed the environment around us.

While grasslands turning to wheat fields may by environmentally similar, not so for the wildlife like bison that roamed them.  

You can see our impact in every part of the planet but then with industrialization we became more dangerous by far.  We have pumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere without regard for the impact and we are starting to see the impact happening.

The efforts to fix it can creates millions of jobs and result in a better planet for all of us.

Or we can ignore the issue and let a few get wealthier as the rest of us pay the price.

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