Saturday, September 5, 2020

He Said It

Did Donald Trump make those remarks about vets being suckers and losers?  Almost certainly.  It just fits the person he is.

Growing up in New York there were two distinct types.  What I would call the average Joe's and the elite.  Now the average joes were the great majority and many of them were veterans who served in the military, came home, got the best job they could and raised their family with American values.  

The elites were different.  Some were patriotic but they tended to become officers or get cushy assignments.  Many, especially after Korea, felt exactly like the words Trump used.  Service was for the suckers and if you served and died you were a loser.

This is the look out for number one crowd and no one is more representative of that crowd than Donald Trump.  He grew up in privilege, spoiled and was able to buy his way our of anything he wanted to.

When Kennedy told us not to ask what the country could do for us but what we could do for the country he paid it no mind.  Everything was about what it could do for him.

In that world the only people who normally served were those planning a political career.  I should say some rejected the privilege and joined but that was clearly the minority of that group.

For someone considering a future in the family real estate business, time spent in the military would have been a waste of time and only a sucker would do it.

The words ring true and I will say he wasn't the only one.   The others have better self control however. 

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