Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Lose a Battle but the War Goes On

One thing has remained fairly constant in Politics.  Things done for short term gain often come back and work against you.

Take the decision by Henry Reid to abolish the filibuster for most presidential appointments.  Actually what he did was change the required vote to stop debate from 60 to 50 excluding Supreme Court nominees.  This was in response to the refusal of Republicans to allow executive and judicial appointments to proceed.

Well that led to the end of the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees as well and we have seen the consequences in the last four years and will most likely see it once again.

Whatever short term gain was achieved has been of course long forgotten and instead we see the party in control able to push through very partisan choices.

The results of the next election may very well swing the pendulum once again but the damage of the last four years will live on.

Our politics have become too fractious and somehow that needs to be fixed.

Possibly the election of Biden who spent many years having to work in a collaborative system will help.

Of course many in the party will want a sort of revenge.

The rule of law and cooler heads need to prevail.

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