Thursday, October 29, 2020

Deliver the Mail On Time and More

 There is no outrage over the media ignoring the Hunter Biden story because there is no story to ignore simply lies and innuendos.

The reason some can't drop it is because they parlayed the non story about Hillary Clinton's e-mails successfully last time.

Of course there are lots of illegal or barely legal going ons in Trumpland as we have obstruction of justice, conflicts of interest, illegal use of Government resources for private purposes etc. etc.

Who cares?

This election is about what is good for America, not a few rich white men who are unable to get the mail delivered on time.

America needs to address the dangers of the Coronavirus.

America needs to address the issue of Climate Change.

America needs to address the inability to pass meaningful legislation.

America needs a rational immigration policy.

America needs to restore it position as a beacon of hope to the world.

America needs to increase economic prosperity to create jobs while having fair trade policies.

America needs to protect the rights of all Americans equally and fairly.

America needs to protect our social programs.

America needs to assure every American has access to world class health care.

America needs to reform our justice system, including the courts.

We need to end the Trump ineptitude and reinstitute effective Government.

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