Friday, October 2, 2020


 Its hard not to feel like Trump getting the virus is a bit of Karma and maybe it is.  Still as a person I wish him either an asymptomatic infection or a speedy recovery.

It highlights the risky behavior has consequences and I imagine many of his rally attendees are also either already infected or carriers.

Of course where and when he got infected is not known.

It does demonstrate that he has accepted risks for other people and apparently himself that were significant.  

When we have a new deadly disease there needs to be an appropriate response.  Most of the world went with lockdowns when maybe mask wearing and social distancing from the beginning would have been effective.

Some countries that seem to have handled it the best did that.  This is not the first corona virus to emerge and the previous two were handled mauch better or we were much luckier.

The H1N1 virus was luckily much less deadly and provided us with a warning.

The group set up to prevent future infections had a plan but since it was set up under the Obama administration Trump eliminated it.

Hence the Karma.

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