Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fake Gold

 We live in a world where some people can take any two items and spin into a conspiracy of deep dark secrets.

Its almost like a party game.

If it turn out that a number of people from an office like to eat at the same restaurant and pne of those people have been falsely accused of sex trafficing we can weave a full scale case of a sex trafficing ring centered at that restaurant.

Who can prove what they were talking about?  Well it could have been anything so why not some illegal trafficking.  Wait young people have been seen going into that very same restaurant,  Must be agents or victims of that very ring that never existed in the first place.  In fact sometimes a group of people from the same office would arrive all at once and other times they would come and go separately. How mysterious!

The fact that people from an office would frequent a nearby restaurant must have dire overtones.

Can you prove it didn't?

Conspiracies theories aren't really hard to come up with and at time hard to disprove.

There is a principle called Occam's Razor which tells us to use the simplest explanation because it is probably the correct one.

People just having lunch at a local popular place is pretty simple.

However the Rapunzel network can spin fake gold out of any straw you give them.

Have any of their conspiracies ever held up?  I can't think of one.

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