Friday, October 23, 2020

He Gave them the Virus I Guess?

 Trump has an unusual knowledge of American history, the little he exhibits.

When he claims to have done more for black people since President Lincoln you have two problems.

While many Presidents have done more for black people he doesn't seem aware of it.

Grant pushed for the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution which guaranteed former slaves the same rights as all citizens.  Trump is trying to suppress those rights.

During the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations we saw the civil rights movement and the national guard was called up to protect the protestors, not subdue them as Trump wanted to.

Truman significantly desegregated the Military providing significant opportunities.

Johnson passed the civil rights act and voting rights act which Trump is interested in gutting.

While other president's have done things these stand out to the casual observer of major actions.

Trump is trying to suppress black votes, eliminate housing opportunities and generally remove services from the cities they live in by failing to help fund them (taxes are way down due to the virus),

Even his opportunity zones primarily helped developers more than ordinary citizens.

Has he done more?  Has he done anything?

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