Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Who's Better Off?

 The only group that really did well under the current President are people who own stock.

This Isn't insignificant if you consider those who have investment accounts such as 401 Ks  but those who own significant stock or executives with stock options did significantly better.

Even before the virus hit we were mostly enjoying the continuation of the Obama recovery which while a bit less boomy than other post-war recoveries was steady.  The statistics clearly show that we simply had a continuation of pretty much all the trends that started after the financial crisis without the excesses.

The actions taken didn't lead to a great increase in much except to increase profits for many companies which they shared with their stockholders and executives mostly.

The Pandemic has changed that and while the disease itself isn't the Administration's fault the response is.

While we are seeing the predicted fall increase around the world it is clear that we had the worst response of just about anyone.

So if you think America is being fixed the question is what was broken?

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