Saturday, October 24, 2020

Energy Subsidies

 Of course he will continue to lie and misrepresent until the election and probably after.  Everyone knows who I'm talking about.

It really is unlikely to make a difference unless every reputable pollster is simply lying.

The latest lie he is making is aimed at some oil producing states.

Drilling and fracking are at best necessary evils until we can transition to renewable options.

However the American taxpayer should not be subsidizing these climate damaging activities.

To the extent we subsidize it should be geared to climate friendly industries like Solar and Wind.

We need to build those industries here because they represent potentially millions of jobs and will help reduce climate change.

So should we subsidize wealthy oil men to drill and frack or clean energy?

I prefer the clean stuff. 

To address his concern about Wind.

Maybe we could find a way to save some birds?  

We have been supporting the vultures.

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