Sunday, October 18, 2020

Shock News

 The fact that so many of Trump's supporters seem to think he is the one honest man and everybody else is dishonest and lying is just inexplicable.

Nothing about him implies honesty but like Rupert Murdoch and various shock jocks he has learned that Americans, at least some of them, prefer to be entertained than informed.

When Fox news represented the opposition party, they strongly embraced shock value to get ratings.

Years ago I had a house guess who asked me to put it on for him because he gleefully wanted to see what they were talking about that day.  That's sort of the point, they present wild theories with little proof and argue its the news the real news shows are suppressing.

This is why the fake news claims of our President resonate with some, Fox went there first complaining about the liberal news and media.

One can argue how they define liberal but its not necessarily even real postions.

I don't watch Fox ever but I have seen it at airports and other places where they consistently accuse moderates of being radical leftists.

Someone who is in favor of reasonable gun restrictions is coming to take all your guns any day now.

As we watch their favorite son run up the national debt, the leftists are somehow to blame.

In a movie about a particular shock jock they were trying to understand his ratings.  People who agreed with him watched about an hour mostly to see what he was going to say next.

Those who didn't agree with him watched even longer for the same reason.

This is the Fox media plan.  The audience can't handle the truth, just get them to watch.

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