Thursday, October 1, 2020

Here We Go Again!

The amount of phony information showing up on social media and elsewhere has picked up again because of  concerted effort to sway voters.  Some of it might even have some actual facts in it but thy are taken out of context and distorted.

This unfortunately starts with the President who continually lies and distorts everywhere he goes.

Since the debate there is a concerted effort to depict Joe Biden as wearing a wire or having an ear piece.  Both have been debunked but that doesn't matter to the lie spreaders.

Of course we will see a lot of innuendo also based on debunked information.

Its not worth spending time trying to disprove most of this because that only serves to spread them further.  Generally you can find mainstream media that debunks them and you can chare them if you want but even that sort of helps propagate the false claims.

We are a month away and I would like to think that everyone outside his base of cult followers can see the truth.

This bombardment of fake items and lies had some impact four years ago and it might even have some again.  

However fool us once shame on you.  Fool us twice, shame on us.

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