Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Science and Common Sense

 With 6 days to go until the election we have an unprecedented number of early votes already cast.

What is going to happen on election day will of courese determine if we are going to continue this anti-science and pro-wealth agenda or give the Government back to the people.

In order to combat climate change we have lost too much time already.

Further the new jobs and infrastructure improvements would be a significant boost to the economy.

Oil and gas will not go away overnight and there may be a place for them in a carbon neutral future, but rising sea levels, extreme and frequent storms and long climate events are not going to stop without significant action.

Soe of it is already irreversible.

This election is not about a short term change of policy, its about the long term health of the planet.

It is also about the day to day lives of Americans threatened by the coronavirus.

There are better ways to deal with it that protect people and don't destroy the economy.

Vote for Science and Common Sense, ignor the hate.

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