Monday, October 19, 2020

Hail Mary Time?

Its pretty clear to everyone that for Trump to pull out a victory he needs something of a miracle.

In Football we call a last second heave to try to score a touchdown a hail mary but we can also call it pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Four years ago it was provided by the FBI when they announced they had found more e-mails.

They really hadn't, it was merely copies kept by her aide, but it provided enough impetus for the victory.

The victory was by the narrowest of margins and there were other factors involved such as complacency and the failure to woo working men.

However it seems pretty certain that without the last minute FBI announcement it wouldn't have mattered.

The attempts to manufacture a siilar scandal are falling woefully short.

Most hail Mary's fail.

Completing two in a row would be real magic.


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