Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Smart Thing

 Ultimately the only thing we have is the ability to learn from our past to adjust future behavior.

Some don't learn and repeat the same mistakes.

While the warm weather in the Northern Hemisphere didn't stop the virus it slowed it down as transmission requires an accumulation and closed rooms are more viral.

The fall will result in an uptick and we already see that happening.

As predicted.

It is pretty clear to everyone that certain political events are putting attendees at risk.

How bad is the risk?

Well most people who get Covid19 actually do recover, although some have lingering effects, but some do not.

The death rate is not clear but maybe 1% is not an unreasonable estimate.

That doesn't sound so bad until you understand that it is much higher for those most vulnerable.

It would also be over 3 million people if everyone in the country got it.

The smartest thing would be to take precautions, protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, social distancing and washing your hands.

Not everyone is smart enough or considerate enough to do that.

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