Friday, October 16, 2020

Lies and a Fireside Chat

There was no debate last night but we did have the two candidates conduct town halls.  

Trumps was mostly fictions that were easily spotted and almost constant.

Biden's were honest but a little too convoluted.

Trump was in fact disclosed as the crazy uncle we mostly ignore buying into conspiracy theories and listening to Fox propaganda.  You know the guy you tell, just because its on the internet it isn't true.

Biden on the other hand was a bit dull but he was basically giving honest answers to the questions.  Of course he had a few minor slips but nothing that mattered much.

Perhaps the most controversial thing is whether he will want to expand the number of Supreme Court Justices which he say he will announce after the current seat is decided.  Clearly if Republicans come to their senses and don't push Barret through he isn't likely to.  If they do he probably will.  They ahve a chance to honor our traditions but if they don't why should he.  

Of course controversy loves Trump and on almost every issue he took disproven positions or told lies.

He keeps the fact checkers very busy but just to clarify a few, Mexico isn't paying for the wall, Masks are good, the economy wasn't the greatest ever and he isn't as popular as Jesus.

And many more.

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