Sunday, October 25, 2020

GIG Economy

We had a society where workers could expect a decent wage and benefits as well as a pension that was nearly adequate.

Most of these were the result of unions fighting for the worker.

A lot of these jobs were located in the "rustbelt" but cheaper labor was available.

So first we saw a move to the Sunbelt followed by a move to cheaper overseas locations.

You became responnsible for your own pension and health benefits to a great extent if you could even retain employee status.

Modern economic thought treats employees as an asset not a person.

It led to a surplus of labor, especially unskilled labor.

If you want to be an entrepreneur because you have an idea that you believe in, it is a thrill a minute.

If you become one because the job you do was defined that way and you are left on your own, not so great.

We have moved to the gig economy where you don't have a job, you have a gig with now security or benefits to speak of.

Good luck with that.

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