Saturday, October 17, 2020

Glass Houses all Over

 It wouldn't be that hard to imagine a future where things we do today and consider normal are viewed as barbaric and possibly evil.

Take the use of fossil fuels.  If climate change causes the type of damage it probably will and billions of people are forced to relocate causing mass diruption, famine and possibly war, the burning of fossil fuels might be viewed the way we view slavery today or the exploitation of native Americans..

Maybe not, its hard to predict.

Still we should know better, we have been warned and yet most of us do very little about it.

Judging the past is tricky.  Morality isn't a relative thing, or is it?

There is significant evidence that ancient people engaged in human sacrifice at times.  Certainly we know the Aztecs did.

It was common not so long ago to have public executions which were sort of a carnival event.  

How many of us can't wait to view a You-Tube video of something gruesome?  

A few years ago some terrorists beheaded an American journalist and released the video/

It went viral.

The point is that human nature isn't really that great without some control.  In most revolutions the old regime is executed.  

Yet we like to condemn people from the past for things they didn't even consider wrong.

Pot and kettle maybe?

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