Friday, October 30, 2020

Polls and Voting

 How accurate are polls?  Generally they can be fairly accurate but there are lots of variables that need to be accounted for.  It would be pretty easy to set up a poll that would show a distorted result if the people you query are not representative of the population you are predicting.

Even some of the most respected polls have sample sizes of a few thousand people.  The is supposed to be representative of a population over 300 million.  They actually end up being fairly accurate but there is risk in the results.  Stilll polls do not determine elections, they are just predictors.

At this point about half of all the ballots the will be cast have already been cast.  This is still going to result in long lines on election day, in some cases deliberately as a way to discourage voting.  Being able to cast your ballot safely and quickly should be the standard for asll Americans.  National elections should be run nationally.  Unfortunately this basec obligation and right of Americans is too often jeopardized for political purposes.  

Voting rights should be non-partisan but unfortunately we still see some racism involved where certain white American would prefer that only their vote get counted.  It doesn't help that we have on of the political parties attempting to suppress voting under various pretenses.

It needs to be fixed and hopefully after this election it will be addressed.   

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