Saturday, October 3, 2020

Power to the People!

 Our political systems are not reflective of the way we now do politics.  Take the fact that after we vote for President there is over two months before we actually change Presidents.

This lame duck period is somewhat antiquated because of what used to be travel issues.  It is better than what we once had when the change took place even later but its still too long a gap.

Our constitution has served us pretty well but realistically it has parts that need to be fixed.

Do we have any need for the electoral college?

There are many other provisions that could use clarification and redefinition.

Voting rights and equal protection under the law need to be strengthened.

Of course any attempts to change the constitution will be attacked by one of the parties as a power grab.

I guess it would be since the power should be given to the people not the special interests.

It was a good slogan and its still valid.

Power to the People!

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