Thursday, October 8, 2020

Does the Fly Know?

 I kept waiting for the device to be activated and for Mike Pence and the fly to swap DNS and have him emerge as a fly-man.

I guess the plexiglass was actually a device designed to beam him over so it never happened.

They both had their talking points but many of the questions weren't particularly useful.

One of  seemed to want to know if they had talked about their boss dying in office or other becoming incapacitated.

Well they both avoided that question as they should since what would happen is they would become President.  Something every one who runs for that office knows.

If the question was geared to the President becoming senile or incoherent it would be a tough discussiion.

not much came out of this and clearly neither candidate was going to contradict or go into issues that weren't consistent with their bosses.  Why would they.

It was relatively civil if non productive.

At least we had the fly to entertain us.  Flies like to hang around the dead and decaying.

Could be an omen.

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