Thursday, December 23, 2021

Being Persistent

 Everybody is aware of the fable about the race between the Tortoise and the Hare.  I suspect most of us consider it unrealistic, and that the Hare would win most of the time.

Certainly, in a simple race it does seem so but I think you have to consider the fable differently, where a winner is not so easily determined.

Think about the phenomena of overnight sensations.  The thing about most of them is that while they got famous overnight, they spent years and years working hard.

The one thing that most winners share is persistence.  Trying and failing over and over again until the one time you succeed is the real moral of that fable.  There is no guarantee of success, but we hear about the ones that succeed and not about the ones that fail.

Being focused and single minded goes a long way toward success.  Being like the Hare and resting on your laurels is not.

With such a long time as a Senator and with his determination, I don't think a single setback is the end of Biden's agenda.

There are already signs of another effort.

It is the theme of many a movie or story where the hero gets battered down and appears defeated until he just doesn't quit and eventually prevails.

Sometimes it's not over when many think it is.

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