Thursday, December 9, 2021

Easier Voting

 In today's environment we see the two parties defined in certain ways by the press and social media.  For example, I've been a Democrat my whole life and I didn't have to be woke.  I simply had to believe that the Democratic party had better policies than the other choices. 

On the other hand not all Republicans have to be white supremacists. Some are and a lot of the messaging reflects that, but the majority realize it is wrong and anti-democratic as a policy.

Man of the things covered in the media and even more so on social media is the most extreme positions.  For example, the defund the police chant during the protests last summer didn't ever mean what it sounds like. Maybe it did for some individuals but what they really meant was reduce the funding for paramilitary equipment and use that money for training and employing different skill sets so we have less incidents of American citizens being killed for no reason.

Our system is designed to point out the conflicts because it is more exciting than pointing out similarities.  People have been convinced that one party is out to take away their guns and their right to be individuals while the other people are convinced the other party is opposed to fair elections.  

Exaggerating the other Parties policies may help you win elections but then again maybe not.  It works because in our system the main winner in most elections is Apathy and getting out your vote is often the biggest problem.

Angry and upset people do vote and so both parties try to get their supporters angry and upset.

Every registered voter should be proved with an easy way to vote.  Some think this would lead to fraud, but deciding elections based on the low turnout we often see is the real fraud.

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