Sunday, December 19, 2021

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

 There are certain complaints I see about how Republicans and Trump supporters in particular are viewed as dumb by the "elitist" Democrats.  Considering one of the arguments for voter fraud as even a little valid, that if so many people believe it happened, something must have happened, then since so many of those people believe idiotic things, maybe they are dumb.

Now they may do OK on IQ tests and possibly can do well in schools, although it seems that they are terrible at math, but if you believe something without any evidence at all I have to question your intelligence.

It is not intellectually valid to demand we prove you wrong, you have to make the case.  If you believe voter fraud was rampant provide real proof, not statistical silliness.

Very few examples of voter fraud have been uncovered and most of those seem to involve people who voted for Trump.  Voter registrations are not voter fraud, if someone died and were not immediately taken off the rolls it is inefficiency, not fraud and unless a vote was cast it is not anything to do with voting.

As Forrest Gump's mother noted, "Stupid is as stupid does".  

Our country had a tradition of peaceful transitions of power even in those few instances where the outcome was in doubt.  There was no doubt this time just rhetoric and we saw an insurrection on Jan 6th.

By their deeds you will know them and that was a clear indicator.

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