Monday, December 13, 2021

Was It Climate Change?

 Well, we saw devastating tornados in December causing unprecedented damage in in a number of States.  As much as I think this is related to climate change, it certainly isn't proven.  It is another in a series of very unusual weather events that seem to happen with more frequency.

There was tremendous damage and many lives lost.  These were Americans and in one fell swoop they and their families lost everything.

If you believe God created this planet and this world as our home you might have to wonder what made him/her to destroy that part of it?  When this sort of thing happened in the bible, the prophets were quick to blame the sinfulness of the Israelites.  I'm sure some of our evangelical will do the same. 

The fact that we allow sinfulness is all God needs to punish others somewhat randomly. I guess not standing up to.

We neeed to help the people victimized but we need to realize the real problem is the damage we have done and continue to do to our atmosphere. 

The clock is ticking.

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