Wednesday, December 22, 2021

News Reporting

 How do you explain the fact that while the economy is booming, many Americans think it is in trouble?

The only real sign of concern is that gas prices are up from a very low pandemic base and demand had overtaken supply for many items.  

This has resulted in some price increases which are characterized as the highest inflation in 40 years.  That may be statistically true but remembering the condition from 40 years ago that inflation was driven be a lack of supply not too much demand.

Transitioning out of the Vietnam war economy, while switching to a greater import economy led to certain issues which resolved themselves in a few years as Americans found service industry jobs.  Those were the conditions that eventually led to the rust belt.  Probably the biggest indicator was that we had high unemployment to go with our inflation.

We have no real unemployment today and in fact we may have a worker shortage.  Any supply shortages we have are minor issues related to ramping up production to meet quickly rising demand.  

Yet the news shows the supply issues the inflation issues, while reporting on the labor shortages and business changes related to the great resignation.  The impact is that there are problems at every turn.  

If you have ever worked in a business, you know that they are always faced with challenges.  However, running out of a product because you didn't order enough is much different than being stuck with inventory you can't sell. One is going to lose you real money while the first is simply less profits.

We have a free press but to sell in today's market they have to report issues. Not that this is new, it is still news when a man bites a dog, not so much when the dog bites the man.  

We don't have a lot of men biting dogs but the news might make you think we do.

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