Monday, December 6, 2021

Biased And Deceptive

 Every morning I watch the same news show.  It is a local show and clearly not the best but it does report things about this area that the others don't and I like the weather being more local.

For the last few months they had a feature where they reported the increase in Gasoline prices every day and listed stations where you could get bargains.  It seemed a bit excessive but prices were up from the pandemic lows and the argument was that the price increases were hurting people and they were trying to help.

Well I noticed this weekend that Gasoline was down nearly 10 cents a gallon at the local station.  I imagined this would be big news on the program but it wasn't even mentioned.  Wouldn't those hard hit families want to know and wouldn't they also want to know where the chearpest gas was?

I've also noticed they like to show the same pictures of empty shelves and talk about the supply chain issues.  I read somewhere and it seems to ring true that those are stock images used by stations around the country and not reflective of this area at this time.

Last year when everybody was panicking about the virus there were definitely things that were hard to get.  I remember being in a store in Virginia where cleaning supplies, paper towels and toilet paper were simply not available.  

However that all passed and by this year most shelves seemed quite well stocked.  There are container ships baked up at various ports and I'm sure those products are causing certain problems but when I go shopping on-line or in-person it's just not much of an issue. 

The news would make you think it was.  

I wouldn't call the news fake, just a bit biased with a touch of deception. 

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