Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Work for Progress

 One of the conflicts we seem to have in this nation is the conflict between the common good and individual good.  It just sems like we no longer take the common good into account when it conflicts with individual desires.

That is too broad a statement and clearly many still strive for the common good, but the numbers do not lie, we have a large unvaccinated percentage of our population who refuse to get vaccinated or follow guidelines about mask wearing for individual reasons.

Perhaps some of those simply don't believe that these efforts work but what they tend to say in ublic is generally couched in their right to decide what they want to do, not what is best for everybody.

When John F. Kennedy told us to see what we could do for America, not what America could do for us, it resonated with young people.  I'm not sure it would today.

Consider the fact that in a congress facing a number of complex issues as we climb out of the pandemic recession, almost every significant vote is along party lines.  

We will continue to get battered by various problems unless as a people we can work for the common good.  

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