Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Heating Oil - Cheap?

 I got my first delivery of the season yesterday and I was sort of dreading it.  I was pleasantly surprised.  The bill was significantly less than some I have received and the price of the oil seemed cheaper.

I see gasoline is up but heating oil is not refined like gasoline is.

I don't want to imply the oil was very cheap, it just wasn't the horror bill I was sort of expecting.

I used to put a lot of miles on my car every week and over the last 12 years I've seen the price of gasoline fluctuate a lot.  I never really had a choice so it was what it was.  I changed cars in the middle of that period and my new car uses less gas tan my old Crown Vic did but I don't feel it makes much difference.

The current increases are coming off historic lows but are hardly the highest I remember.  Maybe I' fortunate but the difference over the years never made any real difference.  These prices wouldn't either.

We live in a world where we have media and a political party on constant attack mode.  There was a lot of criticism of the prior President but he always had his propaganda network.  I was reading a USA today story about Joe Biden's performance.  I don't read that paper since I stopped getting it in various hotels free but the article seemed to focus on the negative stories of the last year.  For example it focused on the somewhat chaotic last days in Afghanistan.  Fair enough but being out of that country after 20 years is a godsend.

Nothing about climate change or the historic infrastructure bill.  It seemed to have a negative spin to me.

 I think the greatest success of the radical right wing media is that it caused mainstream media to veer a bit right because of the constant criticism.  Reporting both sides of a story is important but if you are giving election fraud equal time, when you know it is malarky, who are you serving?

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