Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Day Of Infamy

 Today is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.

While we have moved into a world of conspiracies, and some believe we knew the attack was coming and let it so we could enter the war, that says more about us than it does about the actual event.

We had no doubt at the time and withing a few days we were at war with the Axis powers and looking back the result seems inevitable, at the time it didn't.

The Japanese had swept across much of Asia and seemed almost unstoppable.

The Germans had subdued almost all of Europe and North Africa.

Our industrial might would eventually result in victory but we needed a place to stage invasions and if Britain had fallen we would have been hard pressed.

Similarly in the Pacific, much of our fleet was lost and it was definitely a toss up until we won at Midway.

What is important to remember is how Americans lined up to fight for out values and how many sacrificed for our beliefs and form of Government.

One such patriot. Bob Dole, passed away this week and while he was a Republican he was first and foremost an American.

Some of our current politicians put party before country.  

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