Wednesday, December 15, 2021

If You Are Woke and Angry,, Take a Nap!

One of the things that has changed a lot in my lifetime is the attitudes of young people.  Now this might go back to the old boomer saying, don't trust anyone over 30, but very few took that seriously.

For most of my life we lived in what was referred to as a youth culture.  Appealing to young consumers was a pretty surefire path to success.  Youth culture was an important element of consumer industries as the years went by.  It was reflected in our music, our entertainment and our fashion.

We had some significant cultural divides between young and old, in relation to things like gay marriage, civil rights, and other issues.  

What inevitably happens is the young become less young and the rebelliousness lessens.  The values you embrace become mainstream or you embrace mainstream values, and you are rebelling against yourself.

Maybe I'm just turning into an old fogey but some of the things that are issues now just seem ridiculous.  This pick your own pronoun is just silly.  I support every persons right to live the life they want and love whoever they want, but if they look like a male, I will probably use he, him.  If they prefer something like "they" either wear a sign of except the one I use.  

It just isn't much of an issue as I see it.  Also, this inquisitional world using social media to find old mistakes and act like they are relevant is absurd.  We have replaced Jesuits with trolls and burning at the stake with cancel culture.  The motivation seems to be to get a viral post and I gather that can pay off.  

It is probably the golden age of that now since many prominent people of today did not consider the consequences of social media 20 years ago.  When I think back to my high school and college years, I am thankful it wasn't recorded. 

I think a lot of woke people need a good nap or a time out. 

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