Saturday, December 11, 2021

Right Direction But No Bull's Eye

 I like to answer online surveys.  I'm not sure why but whenever one pops up I tend to answer it.  Do my opinions about what stores I like or what I eat or anything else matter or even inform anyone, I don't know.

I assume someone is collecting this information but you also have the problem of poorly worded questions.  I took one just a while ago that asked me if I thought the country was headed in the right direction.  It was a tough one but I decided to go with yes which was the answer of only about a third of the people who answered.

Now it was tough because it could be going in the wrong direction but that is a number of directions.  The media seems to have decided that Biden represents Progressives and therefore the country is moving that way.  Certainly, compared to the previous administration it is but many progressives I hear and see think i isn't moving fast enough or far enough in that direction either.

That's why it was tough to answer.  I would like to see certain things happen that seem unlikely.  Protecting Abortion or really protecting women's right to choose is one.  To be clear, my wife and I lost three pregnancies to miscarriages, and I never would have considered abortion.  It is still in my opinion an individual choice and as much as I would tell anyone considering it not to do it, I don't have the right to impose my opinion on them.  Since much of the country and maybe the Supreme Court are seemingly doing that I feel that is the wrong direction for the country.

Similarly issues like voting rights sensible gun laws and equal protection under the law are all seemingly in danger I worry about those.  

I almost answered the question negatively but not because of anything the President is doing.  In fact I think he is doing great dealing with problems as best he can.  He isn't a radical progressive he is an American with a long history of service to this country, so I answered that the country is headed in the right direction.  

Unfortunately, it is wobbling along the way.

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