Friday, December 17, 2021

Negative Spin?

 What is maybe most disturbing about our country today is the apparent belief many have that opinions matter more than facts.

They don't.  

Facts are what you should base your decisions on.  For example, almost everyone saw the video footage from Jan 6 attack on the Capitol, but we heard how most of the crowd was peaceful demonstrators or the attackers were infiltrators pretending to be Trump supporters.  Neither of these statements is supported by facts but expressed by commentators who express opinions, not facts.

They might sometimes try to make it sound factual but the anecdotal facts they cite generally wouldn't support the views they express.

We have free speech, so they get away with that, but if you believe them, you are not basing your actions on facts.

Even worse is the false opinions you see expressed on social media.  Right now, there is a concerted effort to make things look worse than they sway voters for the next election.  Often there is a small element of truth but sometimes none at all.

Is inflation a real issue?  It is real but our runaway inflation is hardly really runaway.  We are measuring year over year increases where in one year we had a recessed economy because of Covid and in the next year we had a booming economy.  The fact that prices went up almost 7% between those two periods is not a big shocker, but it is real.  

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