Saturday, December 18, 2021

Red Pill, Blue Pill

The biggest problem facing the world today is climate change.  It impacts everyone, one way or another, and while some might actually benefit that will be offset by the overall disruption. The problem wit climate change is that it is starting to become noticeable which might be too late for us to stop it.  We had the earlier warnings but too many ignored them, and our system is designed tp get consensus to take action.

Even now we have deniers, although I have to question whether they really don't accept the science or if they simply maintain that position for political reasons.

Perhaps the real biggest danger is the belief that there is no right or wrong just opinions.

The significant issues facing us have a right and a wrong side.  Take Covid.  Protecting yourself and others is the right thing to do.  Gettng vaccinated is the best way to do that.  Potentially you can achieve some of the same results by social distancing and isolation, but there are limits to those. Still, we see many people who won't get vaccinated. Sadly, bad information is being provided to them often by people who are themselves vaccinated.  Why they believe it is because they don't trust the Government or its representatives.

I saw some projections that with the new Omicron variant we may see horrific numbers of hospitalizations and death among the unvaccinated.  Some vaccinated people will die but far fewer.  

Too many Americas refuse to choose the reality pill and prefer to live in a fake world.  Reality has some ugly truths to deal with

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