Friday, December 24, 2021

Irreconcilable Differences?

 Let us consider two families.  One is a socially conservative one that believe in "old fashioned" values.  They don't want to be blamed for historical injustice even if they might have ancestors who were complicit, but they didn't own slaves or hang anybody.  They believe that abortion is wrong because a fetus is just an unborn baby.  They don't want their children to be transgender or even homosexual and want them to become the next generation of them.  They like hunting and own some guns which they also use for target practice.  They don't see any reason why the life they grew up in has to change and why their children should be exposed to things they don't agree with.  No one is trying to make them do anything they don't want to although they feel like some are.  

Consider a second family, deeply entrenched in progressive values.  They think all people should be free to decide how they want to live.  Women should decide whether they carry a pregnancy to fruition or not and hey should be medically supported either way.  The Government needs to provide every resident certain basic rights, including life (health insurance) liberty (the right to vote freely) and pursuit of happiness (education and retirement support).  People should be able to realize their potential despite the circumstances of their birth and the accumulated wealth of their parents.  

Of these two who is oppressing who?  Both feel threatened by current events and the divisiveness is growing.  

In some cases, the differences are irreconcilable. If you believe abortion is murder, you simply can't condone it.  Certainly, we have willing parents who desperately want to adopt who can't right now or have to go to foreign countries. It doesn't quire work out that way, in real life, as these might not be the babies they want to adopt.  Further, the mothers lose fundamental rights if we treat them as incubators.  

The solution might be better sex education and more availability of contraceptives, but that might be construed as interference in one's values.  

It becomes more problematic when society and schools teach your children thing you don't agree with.  

I suspect over time it will resolve itself much like issues of the past faded away.  It just is disruptive for a time.  

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